Channel Velocity and Flow Boosters in Diffused Aeration Tanks
By: Tom Frankel
Post Date: November 30th 2016
There are different kinds of mixers in aeration basins, and some create problems for the floor mounted piping system, and others do not.
Horizontal Flow Boosters or Flow Makers
Typically, submerged aeration piping and diffusers should be arranged in parallel to the hydraulic flow in the reactor, wherever there is induced velocity from a flow booster or flow maker. Tube diffusers can present a special challenge, since it is impossible to arrange both piping and tube diffusers in parallel to the flow in such cases, so usually the ends of tubes need to be supported in such cases.
Vertical Mixers for Anoxic Zones and Swing Zones
This kind of mixer rarely causes problems for floor mounted diffusers. Either the hydraulic velocities they create are low, or they direct their energy up and away from the floor.

Mr. Frankel co-founded SSI in 1995 with experience in design and distribution of engineered systems. He is in charge of sales, marketing and operations in the company. Mr. Frankel holds multiple US patents related to diffusers. He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis.