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It’s critical for chemical wastewater to receive the treatment it needs. SSI Aeration uses energy-efficient technologies and durable materials to provide reliable chemical industry wastewater treatment solutions. SSI treatments remove harmful contaminants from wastewater so that it can be used and recycled or returned to the environment safely.
Organic compounds can build up in water that’s used in heavy chemical industries. For example, stormwater, processing water, effluents and other types of inorganic water can carry chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand compounds, which causes an organic imbalance in the water.
Wastewater treatment solutions from SSI can support a variety of chemical industry applications. Some of these applications include:
- Chemical
- Inorganic
- Organic
- Petrochemical
- Agrochemical
- Polymers
- Elastomers
- Oleochemicals
- Explosives
- Fragrances and flavors
- Industrial gases
- Ceramics
- Specialty chemicals
- Fine chemicals
- Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Attack
All these applications above lead to the buildup of volatile compounds. A wastewater system needs to have suitable protection in the event of a chemical attack. Without the durability it needs to withstand these harsh substances, a system that might otherwise last a decade could give out early.
With SSI membranes, industrial wastewater systems can prepare for a chemical attack and resist its harsh effects. This extends system longevity and reduces long-term costs.
The Wastewater Treatment Process
The wastewater treatment process may include multiple methods and resources. Many wastewater treatment systems also operate in multiple stages, first removing larger waste solids and then working their way down to smaller compounds and solids. With diffusers and aeration systems, engineers can remove harmful substances from wastewater more quickly and frequently.
In chemical applications, contractors and operators often use aeration systems to purify polluted water. Aeration systems, such as retrievable systems and MBBR systems from SSI, work by adding oxygen to the water. Diffusers force air into the water by creating bubbles, which interact with the bacteria in the water tank and help break down waste and improve water quality in a short amount of time.
The Benefits of Working With SSI Aeration
Wastewater treatment is an important part of chemical manufacturing operations. SSI maintains quality and safety by offering diffusers, DPMS systems, MBBR systems and other membrane solutions.
Working with SSI gives clients access to reliable, cost-effective aeration options. Engineering experts work with operators to develop durable solutions that meet and exceed expectations. SSI provides superb equipment quality at an economical cost, which allows clients to make the most of their systems. It’s even possible to order replacement solutions for competitor treatment systems by working with SSI.
Contact Us
For leaders who run effluent treatment plants in the chemical industry, SSI can offer an efficient solution. Call 845-454-8171 or fill out our online contact form to learn more about SSI products and services.
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It’s critical for chemical wastewater to receive the treatment it needs. SSI Aeration uses energy-efficient technologies and durable materials to provide reliable chemical industry wastewater treatment solutions. SSI treatments […]

It’s critical for chemical wastewater to receive the treatment it needs. SSI Aeration uses energy-efficient technologies and durable materials to provide reliable chemical industry wastewater treatment solutions. SSI treatments […]