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Osmart is a modern aeration control system with the following features:
- Control nitrification/denitrification in a single tank using ammonia and oxygen with static and dynamic oxygen set points;
- Control nitrification/denitrification in a single tank via oxygen with static oxygen set point;
- Manage the denitrification phase via pulsed aeration instead of a mixer
- Option to add many software packages to control mixed liquor pumps, sludge pumps, COD and chemicals dosaging;
- Advanced process KPI available through Oscar Dashboard IoT platform.
The system is available to run on a PLC, or an industrial PC, supplied by SSI with our partners, ETC Engineering of Trento, Italy.
To See if Your Plant is a Candidate for Energy Savings Right Now, try our online checker and quote generator. Click Here.
This tool will develop a client specification to bid an aeration system. New in 2017 – Fast and Easy! SpecGen now includes all SSI diffuser performance data which can auto-populate tables for multiple tanks and zones with SOTE, Airflow, and Pressure values for each zone. It takes inputs such as type of diffuser, piping grid and material, support and anchor choices, membrane material, sensor/telemetry options, desired competition, site days, QC , testing and warranty requirements, and will output a spec in .DOCX or Google Doc format. The purpose of this is to make it easy for clients who would like to specify aeration to do so in the easiest way possible, without reaching into the filing cabinet for the last spec from the last job. Using this tool you can improve the quality of your specifications using the latest information and data, while also saving you time.
To Access SSI SpecGen Click Here
SpecGen usage instructions – Please watch this short video.
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SSI管式曝气器和先进的膜材料除了具有最高氧气转移效率之外,还提供优异的耐化学性和抗结垢性 SSI对质量严格的把控使得管式曝气器成为可提升系统的最佳选择 行业标准尺寸和形状,可与其他系统互换 多种链接方式:标准3/4″螺纹连接或SSI独有的Snappy Saddle™快速安装,使一人能轻松地完成安装 各种长度,直径和不同膜片材料供您选择 PTFE聚四氟乙烯涂层的膜片具有优秀的耐化学性和抗结垢性 多处设置检查阀,以保持曝气管道系统清洁 压缩形成的膜片,提供最高的质量把控 低膜增塑剂含量,减少收缩和硬化,但足以避免蠕变 212F(100C)的耐温性和环保的ABS管体 价格适中(首次使用或改造项目)

OSMART Osmart is a modern aeration control system with the following features: Control nitrification/denitrification in a single tank using ammonia and oxygen with static and dynamic oxygen set points; […]

OSMART Osmart is a modern aeration control system with the following features: Control nitrification/denitrification in a single tank using ammonia and oxygen with static and dynamic oxygen set points; […]