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In 2018, the oil and gas industry grew by 17%, breaking 50-year-long records. While oil refineries play an important role in today’s economy, they also produce a large amount of waste. As a result, wastewater treatment is essential to maintaining efficiency and safety in petroleum applications.
SSI Aeration serves the petroleum industries by offering treatment solutions for petroleum refinery water and effluents.
Applications in the Petroleum and Oil Refinery
Petroleum refineries use water in all types of ways. Oil industry wastewater may form as a result of product washing, oil processing, cooling system operations, stormwater runoff or the buildup of solids in tanks.
A wastewater treatment plan can help an industrial plant conserve water, prevent dangerous accidents and improve maintenance operations. Those who work in oil refineries may take part in a variety of applications. Some of the products manufactured in this industry include:
- Gasoline fuel
- Oil
- Jet fuel
- Asphalt roads
- Oil lubricants
- Ethane
- Propane
- Butane
- Ethylene
- Propylene
- Butylene
- Hydrocarbons
Each of these applications creates a huge amount of wastewater. With the latest technology offered by modern systems, it’s possible to break down solids faster and improve water quality for reuse.
The Wastewater Treatment Process
Petroleum and oil refinery require wastewater treatment systems that can remove oil and harsh organic compounds. Many plant operators choose to purify their water through biological methods. For example, one of the most common systems used in oil and gas is the activated sludge system, which uses both aeration and microorganisms to remove pollutants from the water.
Once the clusters of microorganisms have removed the contaminants, the water is ready for reuse. This saves money and establishes more sustainable production processes.
High-quality diffusers can also help with aeration by moving oxygen into the wastewater at a more efficient rate. PTFE membranes from SSI offer protection against heat, fouling, scaling and other issues that can shorten the life of a system and reduce treatment quality.
The Benefits of Working With SSI Aeration
SSI designs wastewater treatment systems to help clients improve sustainability and safety in the workplace. Petroleum and oil refinery wastewater can include a range of organic compounds as well as ammonia, oil, grease and hydrocarbons. Recycling or releasing this contaminated water can be dangerous. With SSI aeration and biofilm treatment options, plant operators can facilitate more efficient and economical treatment processes.
Instead of harming the environment or letting the water go to waste, it’s possible for businesses to reuse water by implementing one of our systems. SSI can customize a solution using EPDM and PTFE membranes, MBBR systems, fine bubble diffusers or coarse bubble diffusers.
SSI systems, diffusers and membranes are durable and reliable. Built with resistance to harsh chemicals, these systems can handle tougher environments without a high risk of fouling or scaling. This reduces maintenance costs and allows us to offer better longevity than other manufacturers.
Contact Us
SSI oil refinery wastewater management solutions reduce freshwater use and protect waterways from harmful contaminants. Call us today at 845-454-8171 or fill out our online contact form to ask questions about SSI systems.
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Difusores Tubulares de Burbuja Fina
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In 2018, the oil and gas industry grew by 17%, breaking 50-year-long records. While oil refineries play an important role in today’s economy, they also produce a large amount […]

In 2018, the oil and gas industry grew by 17%, breaking 50-year-long records. While oil refineries play an important role in today’s economy, they also produce a large amount […]